Shared Knowledge

Rehabilitation for CSG Developments

There are similar rehabilitation conditions imposed on resource companies under EA’s for coal seam gas developments which have been authorised by Conduct and Compensation Agreements (CCAs) entered into between landowners and resource companies.  Most CCAs contain a contractual commitment from the  resource company to comply with the conditions of the EA including to consult with landowners about the nature of rehabilitation required on their land.

In addition, there are typically specific obligations set out in the EA that must be complied with when rehabilitating land affected by gathering pipelines. The backfilling and rehabilitation of pipeline trenches must typically:

  • achieve a stable landform;
  • exhibit no subsidence or erosion gullies for the life of the operational pipeline;
  • be re-profiled to a level consistent with surrounding soils;
  • be re-profiled to original contours and established drainage lines;
  • be visually consistent with the surround land features;
  • reinstate the top layer of the soil profile; and
  • be vegetated with groundcover as a minimum to ensure that erosion is minimised.


This information provides advice of a general nature only and should not be relied upon as legal advice.
Published 2 July 2016.